SQL Server 2000 SP3a Replication Components for use with SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition

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SQL Server 2000 SP3a Replication Components for use with SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition
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Weergawe: 3
Upload datum: 21 Sep 15
Ontwikkelaar: Microsoft
Lisensie: Gratis
Populariteit: 218
Grootte: 4536 Kb

Rating: 2.7/5 (Total Votes: 3)

SQL Server 2000 SP3a Replisering komponente vir gebruik met SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition installeer die SQL Server 2000 SP3a Replisering komponente op bedieners loop IIS om konnektiwiteit oplossings tussen SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition en SQL Server 2000 databasisse ondersteun.

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Windows 2000 / XP

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