Downloads for Linux and other platforms

Important information

  • For a complete manual, please refer to the official FlightGear Manual.
  • Caution: Check the version numbers of the following prebuilt packages. There can be a delay between the official release and when the ready to run binaries of the same version become available.


If you love Linux (like we do) and don’t see the newest version of FlightGear available yet for your favorite distribution, please let your distribution maintainers know how badly you want FlightGear packaged for your system — and once it’s there, let us know so we can put a link right here!  If you see any out-dated information here, please let us know.  We will update this section as packages are built and made available.


  • FlightGear  is available from the FreeBSD Ports collection as games/flightgear.
  • To install it from source, execute the following command as ‘root’:
    # cd /usr/ports/games/flightgear; make install
  • Alternatively, depending on your system and the repositories available, you may be able to install a pre-compiled binary using the following command:
    # pkg install flightgear